a couple viewing their laptop


Make a deposit in your future

Trying to save? Whether you are saving for that special family vacation, a rainy day, or for your children’s college education, First Neighborhood Bank offers a number of savings accounts at competitive interest rates.
A savings account that offers the competitive rate of interest (real rate) in exchange for larger-than-normal deposits.
  • Minimum To Open – $2500
  • Interest compounded every month and credited to account
  • Service charge fee of $7 every statement cycle if balance in account falls below $2500 any day of the cycle
  • Must maintain a minimum average daily balance of $2500 to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield
  • Interest rate and annual percentage yield may be changed at any time at FNB’s discretion
  • Minimum To Open – $100 ($25 For Minors)
  • Interest will be compounded quarterly and deposited into account
  • Service charge of $1 every statement cycle if the balance falls below $100 any day of the cycle
  • Interest begins to accrue on the business day you deposit cash or non-cash items (for example: checks)

mature woman holding a credit/debit card

Easy and reliable

The branch that never closes.

Our online banking is the simpler and better way to manage your money anytime, anywhere. This free online banking service gives you the tools you need to organize all your First Neighborhood Bank accounts.